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Work At Home


自从空服工作的前线退下后,如今的我,已经是一个全职的家庭主妇。 每天我都要担任多种不同的角色如司机,厨师,清洁工,陪玩,老师,护士,运动老师,还有你我也想不到的,但只要将这些都做完,剩下那少的可怜又保贵的空闲时间还真的不知道该做什么好,不知道大家是不是也有这样的困扰呢? 当然,相信各位主妇们如今都有自己杀时间的方法,但对于新手妈妈们来说,如果你们还在烦恼多出来的时间该怎么花,不妨试试看以下的方法,让自己在休闲时间也能过得充充实实的~ 1. 做运动 不论是出门跑步、到健身房运动,或是在家做皮拉提斯和瑜伽,都能让你的休闲时间过得充实。用闲暇时间做运动,不但能消除日积月累的身心压力,还能养成健康的体魄,让你更有体力面对家庭和生活。 俗话说得好,「健康的心灵来自健康的身体」,多做运动不但能让你充满朝气和正能量,还同时能进一步为老公和孩子带来正面的影响,让整个家庭的气氛更和谐,生活更蓬勃。 2. 研究新菜式 每天如果来来去去都是同样的三菜一汤,心爱的老公和孩子恐怕也会吃腻吧?这种时候,大家就可以趁着空闲时间研究新菜色,让回家的老公和孩子们大吃一惊~ 如果你平常只是准备炒青菜、炖猪肉、煎蛋等家常菜,那你不妨可以试试看准备友族同胞的食物,比如马来式咖哩、印度炖牛肉等菜式,甚至你也可以去研究外国菜色,比如法式浓汤、意大利面、烤牛排、日式亲子丼等等;当然,如果你的家人喜爱点心,你也可以去买模具回来烤些饼干、蛋糕之类的甜点,让家人吃得开心。 现在网络发达,上Youtube就能学到各种菜色,超方便的! 3. 和朋友喝茶聊天 虽然中心都在家庭,但和朋友的交流对主妇来说也是非常重要的。定期和朋友出来喝茶聊天,不但可以加深彼此的关系,还能透过聊天互相交换讯息,分享彼此都是怎么面对孩子不听话、老公也不听话等家庭问题。 要知道,聊天倒垃圾,对成天面对家庭主妇的健康来说是很重要的,在充分地宣泄好抱怨后,我们才能继续用正面的态度,面对充满挑战的家庭生活。 4. 在家工作 如果有时间,何不将时间化为金钱,帮忙补贴家用呢?比如说,我自己就有在经销一些美容&健康产品,除了能多少补贴一些家用,我还能趁机多认识朋友,扩展我的交际圈子,起码让自己不至于整天待在家里,最后搞到和社会脱节。 我想说的是,通过工作能让我找到生活重心,每次卖出一单货,我都能获得成就感和自我肯定,想想这样的生活也不错呢! 当然,主妇还能做的事情还有好多好多,比如说你也能安排时间,和朋友一起到各地旅行,或是看一些有深度的电影、纪录片等。重要的是,空闲时间尽量不要都拿来划手机,而是要多做能提升自己价值的事,不知道大家同不同意呢? 今天就说到这里,不知道各位家庭主妇都是怎么度过空闲时间的呢?欢迎在下面的留言区分享分享吧~...

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Work At Home

Everything About A Working Moms

Half the world gets the experience of what it’s like working from home. Some can agree that this fresh work arrangement is for them, while others can’t wait to crawl back to their office. So why is it some employees are more productive working from home and the other half–struggle?

And for those who wish to continue working from home, they’d either negotiate new work arrangement terms with their bosses or begin seeking out for remote jobs. So, the question now is- how exactly can you convert a full-time job to work from home, and stay at the top of your productivity game while you’re at it?

Most importantly, from a mother’s perspective, how is staying at home vs  working moms cope and juggle their workload, without sacrificing their parenting times?

Personally, I will share my experience and wealth of expertise as a working mom who has mastered the best ways to adapt and navigate my life around my goals and family. Together with other women at work, remember these productive tips when you’re struggling to balance the workload as a stay-at-home mom and working from home…


Inspire other working women and mothers in the workplace

You can be productive while working from home even though you’re pregnant or a mom with kids. Just follow these tips:

 #1. Create A Schedule

Line up your day diligently and carefully. Have a particular number of hours you hope to work on some given days. Decide on when you will return calls and get the best from your day while your kid paints colors in the other room. What I’m saying, in essence, is that whether you intend working part-time or full time, there is no limit to how much you can achieve as a working pregnant mom. In no time, you’d realize you had gotten more work done. Not only that, given that you will enjoy an incredible amount of flexibility working while pregnant, creating a workable schedule helps you attend to home duties or chores appropriately and also get more work done. This can also mean more money.

#2. Do More With Naptime

I recommend that you do more work when your kids take a nap. You can be productive as a working mom by merely determining and planning to finish assignments that require uninterrupted attention and undivided attention when your kids are asleep or taking a nap. This works if you are bothered about how to do more during the day.

#3. Separate Mom And Business Roles

Men and women must learn to keep business and pleasures separate. As a working mom with kids or pregnant women, I recommend that you keep your roles as mom and businesswoman separate. Concentrate fully for a specified time. I would also advise that you set up an office area in your home. This way, you get to be mentally separated from the rest of the house. You’ll be amazed at the extent of value you can achieve with this.

#4. Keep Your Kids Busy & Entertained

Do you want to get more work done? Keep your kids busy. To do this, simply give a little quality time, so you get some hours to work. This is true for kids of different ages. Besides, working mothers can set aside some cool toys for them to play with or arrange exclusive movie viewings with them. There is a catch though: As long as your kids have a thing or another to look forward to, they are less likely to interrupt you while you work. Ensure you set up an activity center in your home office for your children to carry out their projects in designated places.

#5. Use Tools And Do More With Technology

If you are already using tech so well when you work from home, I’m sure you will agree with me that these things are lifesavers. They help you stay productive and be more efficient at work. Get compatible apps on your phone to make your lives more straightforward and effective. For  working moms  who want to stay home and work, the Internet, computers, email and phone are there to assist and make the efforts possible and seamless. With these tools, you will improve your time management skills significantly.

#6. Multitask Diligently

As a working mom or pregnant working mom, you must multitask. There’s no shortcut to this. Because you will juggle morning sickness, maternity leave and pregnancy discrimination, and somewhat expected to stay productive. Talk about being a wonder woman.

As a mom, time management means multitasking. This, however, can streamline your day or leave you with so many undone projects in a day. So you have to know when to multitask. This is key to achieving better synergy in your work and home life. Also consider the amount of childcare you have to employ, the knowledge of which helps you know to what extent you must multitask. Glaringly, some of these things were not taught in high school. But you can get a handful of help from here.


Time Management As A Work At Home Mom

Time management is a skill, and it requires practice. Practice, they say, makes perfect. This may not be the case here, though. If you are working while pregnant, time management is what you may never fully master because of the dynamic nature of life. What I’m saying is that when you eventually get a big-time waster under control, another thing pops up again. Have you noticed that?

Don’t let that discourage you anyway. Given that there are specific problems women face, there are some tips you can adopt for time management to help you stay more productive at work and delineate the respective time management problems before they are out of control. Many of these things are listed in different articles in Harvard Business Review, and the goal is to ensure that moms working from home can be better off than they previously were. Combining work with child care can be daunting, but if you get the hang of these tips, you’d be fine.


Most Recommended Jobs

If you are expecting to find flexible work, and wonder how to get extra income, especially as a pregnant woman. It can be achieved. From my experience, there is no better place to look to when looking for jobs as a pregnant woman than online. Some right jobs I researched and found worthy for a pregnant woman are listed below.

According to the American College of Obstetricians, depending on your trimester, finding a comfortable position to work in can be difficult. That is, regardless of the type of work you do or seek, comfort is paramount to enhance focus on the job at hand. Therefore, you can demonstrate the requisite creativity as you find the best position to work in.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to work from home from the comfort of your embrace pillows and couch. Or you have other interesting positions that suit your health and condition. What is important is that you should pay great attention to how to support your lower back and elbows well. Here are some workout tips that can help you strengthen your core as you prepare for delivery, as approved by obstetricians and gynecologists as well:

• Choose the right desk

• Get the right place to sit

• Keep a healthy selection of snacks within reach

• Stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle at hand.



As we draw curtains in this section, I insist that you can save more time, avoid debt and make more money by working from home as a pregnant woman or mom with kids. There are part-time jobs you can consider. And you will not even be bothered about whether you should return to work after putting to bed.

Did you know that moms feel way better and more comfortable working from home? Check online to see what suits you and the ones that align with your skills and interests. I recommend QKids, Say ABC.com, REV.com, Chegg.com, UserTesting.com, WorldWide 101. Get rid of the notion that you cannot make passive income as you work from home. Some jobs do not need an overwhelming amount of attention and participation. Take advantage of the early stage of your pregnancy to rid yourself of some pressure.

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