Food Enzymes Explained Blog Featured Image

Food Enzymes

Enzymes are particularly significant in our digestion because it contains globular proteins that facilitate biological reactions in breaking down food. There are different kinds of enzymes that we can take in, and it is vital for us to know why...

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Hormonal Imbalance Disorder

As a busy working mom, having a 6 hour- straight sleep is a luxury to me. It is because I still have to spend time with my kids after work and do some tinkering at home until midnight. Multi-tasking is...

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Types Of Eczema And It’s Common Causes

In our daily activities, we sometimes experience having itchy skin in a specific part of our body. It usually occurs in children and those adults who have sensitive skins like my daughter. I understand the struggles of having such allergies...

不痒又不花钱杜绝皮肤干燥靠这招 Blog Featured Image


虽然我们生活在热带潮湿的国家,但每天上班吹冷气,久而久之,皮肤其实也蛮容易就变得干燥的。脱皮、龟裂什么的难看死了,而且又痛又痒,真的很烦如果要使用大量护肤产品,钱包的深度又不够,那究竟该怎么办呢?造成皮肤干燥的原因,除了环境、天气以外,有些人的遗传基因也让他们饱受皮肤干燥之苦。不过,要让皮肤保持水嫩Q弹,其实也不需要花太多的钱和功夫,今天就让我向大家分享我避免皮肤干燥的独门秘诀吧!   1. 洗澡注意不要洗太久 女性们都爱干净,因此在洗澡的时候可能会花上不少时间,不过你知道洗澡太久,也会让皮肤容易干燥吗?这是因为皮肤本身为了保护自己,是会分泌油脂作为保水屏障的,如果洗澡洗太久,就会导致皮肤表层的油脂完全被洗掉,这样水分就很容易被外界环境风干。洗澡时间不要过长,大概10到20分钟左右就足够了。 2. 洗澡水温不宜太高或太低 洗澡水温如果太冷,会导致血液和淋巴循环不畅,这样会使得身体的新陈代谢也跟着变慢,营养无法及时送到皮肤细胞,因此很容易导致皮肤干燥、脱皮;反之,洗澡水温如果太高,皮肤表层的脂膜就会被破坏,让油脂的分泌减少,造成皮肤容易干燥麻痒。洗澡时的水温以35~40°C为佳,洗澡后如果能再涂上保湿霜,还能更进一步锁住更多水分。 3. 健康明智的饮食 想要拥有健康的肌肤,身体当然也要健康~多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,能够为肌肤提供所需的维生素和营养,这样皮肤才能保得住水分,尤其是含水量比较高的西瓜、西兰花和西红柿。 水嫩肌肤也少不了健康脂肪,好的脂肪能增加血液流动、加速营养输送,多吃牛油果、花生酱、橄榄、鲑鱼、核桃等食物,你就能摄取足够的多元不饱和脂肪,提高肌肤的质量。 4. 不烟不酒 抽烟不但会让焦油堵住毛孔,引起黑头和痘痘,它还会阻碍正常呼吸,降低循环效率,导致皮肤更容易因缺氧而老化。另外,抽烟还会大量消耗本该供给皮肤的维生素C,让皮肤的老化现像变得非常明显。 酒方面,因为酒会让身体和皮肤脱水,导致身体吸水能力降低,同时也会让电解质和矿物质流失,最后就会导致皮肤变得干燥、发红和敏感。喝酒一定要适度,记得每喝一杯酒,就要补充一杯水。 5. 尽量避免被太阳直照 出门一定要擦防晒霜,而且一定要擦防晒系数高于15的乳霜或保湿液,另外也要记得披上外套或穿长袖长裤,避免阳光直晒肌肤,以免皮肤被晒伤、引起雀斑和皱纹。 ———————————————– 以上就是我个人防止皮肤干燥的方式,不知道大家有没有其他的好方法呢?欢迎将你的看法写在下面的留言区哦~...

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Aulora Pants With Kodenshi® Fiber

I'm a plain working mum who works from home. Even though I love wearing simple and comfortable clothes when working from home, I still want to be stylish or fashionable on occasions too. Nevertheless, I believe every mother would like...

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Belixz Maqnifiq Collagen Drink

Being a woman and a mother, looking fresh is very important to me. But it’s not only the exterior freshness that I’m after but also the internal state of my skin. For a long time now, I have been eating...

坐月子禁忌多~不能洗头是真的吗 Blog Featured Image


相信大家在生育过后,总是会被长辈们提醒说这不能做、那不能做的对吧?长辈们总是说,妇女在生产后身体虚弱,尤其在坐月子期间,更是不能碰水、不准洗头、不可以洗澡。 不过… 坐月子可是整整一个月啊!对于拥有一头秀发的女性来说,如此长期不能洗头、洗澡,身体脏脏的,不但超不舒服,而且容易让心情变得很差,真的是坐月子期间非常大的一个困扰。 以前曾经听一位朋友说,她在坐月子时上网看到,坐月子最好不要洗澡、洗头,否则会受风寒,因此她憋了很久也没洗,结果因为生产时流了许多汗黏在发丝里。   话说回来,坐月子期间真的不能洗头吗? 事实上,坐月子不洗头的习俗,和过去年代的环境与人们的生活习惯有关。由于以前的人们洗澡都是在户外洗,加上洗完后不容易让身体温暖下来,因此当时「洗澡」这件事,确实会对产妇们造成不良影响。 然而到了现代,每个人家里的浴室几乎都会设有热水器,洗完头后也能用吹风机吹干,加上屋子里的空气调节器,洗完头后再也不必担心受到风寒。 也就是说「坐月子不能洗头」这样的概念,虽然在过去是正论,但如今时代不同,所有的障碍已经被克服,因此妇女在生产后当然能够洗头、洗身体了。 产后只要体力恢复,有体力下床走动时,你其实就可以沐浴了。如果是剖腹生产的妇女,只要伤口没有感染,并使用防水对象保护好伤口,也可以在产后3~5天洗澡清洁身体。 要知道,洗澡、沐浴在洗洁身体以外,也能够让身心舒适,帮助培养好心情。不过,在洗澡后你还是必须迅速擦干身体、吹干头发,保持身体暖和,以免受寒。   载图自   又是为什么不能洗呢? 总的来说,产后洗澡时没问题的,不过一些细节还是要记得,这里我就总结出5个重点: 产后妇女的头发一般比较油,容易掉头发,因此洗头发时要使用性质温和的洗发用品。 洗头时的避免使用过热或过冷的水,水温最好能控制在体温上下,基本上以头皮不觉得烫的程度为基准。 洗完澡后必须立即擦干,同时洗后应避免接触冷气。 在洗头时使用指腹按摩头皮。 洗完头后,千万不要在头发未干时上床睡觉,这样才能避免受寒引起的头痛或不适。 以上就是今天的内容啦,不知道大家有没有其他看法呢? 欢迎在下面的留言区分享你的看法 :)...

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How COVID Effecting Children’s Mental Health

Home quarantined! Schools closed! Parks closed! Businesses closed! Just mentioning these is stressing me. But do you know that children who are quarantined with us at home are experiencing distress as well? A recent study published that children had increased...

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The General Idea Of Healthy Lifestyle

The idea of wellness and nutrition can be confusing sometimes. There are tons of health and wellness blogs out there focused on ensuring that individuals keep a healthy lifestyle by all means. Meanwhile, qualified experts in the field are still holding opposing opinions as of today. However, irrespective of these varying opinions, some   health tips  can help you maintain and lead an enjoyable life.

These  health tips  are backed up by research. And these blogs related to health comprise necessary simple steps you can take to keep yourself in good shape. This is key if you are particularly interested in your wellness. That way, you will improve your physical and mental wellness. There is really no substitute for leading a healthier life, and it is not something you cannot achieve. Healthy living includes basic things like refreshing a yoga session, boosting your energy with a nutritious snack, or generally repairing your oral health, among others. In this section, you’ll learn how to stay alive, healthy and what things you should avoid.


Health & Nutrition Tips

The following are the various means to stay physically active and generally maintain good health. The list is non-exhaustive as it uncovers different ways by which you can stay fit, and more importantly, be your own personal trainer.


#1. Avoid Sugar Calories

You must have heard that sugary drinks contribute immensely to the fattening items that people often ingest in their bodies. The reason is not far-fetched: The brain measures the calories from liquid sugar differently than it does for solid food. Invariably, for any soda you drink, you end up eating more calories. This contravenes every dimension of applying the healthy diet principle. Consequently, sugary drinks have a strong association with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and other health problems. In fact, fruit juices may be as bad as soda because they contain a lot of sugar too. The fact that they have small quantities of antioxidants does not erase the harmful effects inherent.

#2. Eat Lots Of Nuts

Even though nuts are high in fat, they are tremendously nutritious and healthy. Loaded with vitamin E, fiber, magnesium and other necessary nutrients; nuts have been studied to help lose weight and combat type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease. Interestingly too, when you eat nuts, your body does not absorb 10-15% of the calories present. Health experts suggest that nuts can help stimulate and boost metabolism. So, as you adjust your meal plans henceforth, include some nuts.

#3. Do Away With Junks

As much as possible, avoid processed junk food. This information is a requisite for maintaining a natural living. Junks are absolutely unhealthy as they have been prepared to stimulate your pleasure centers, and this makes your brain crave many foods, and that way, you tend to overeat. In some cases, too, junks can lead to food addiction in some people. These junk foods have low fiber, protein and micro-nutrients content. Instead, they are rich in added sugar and refined grains which are mostly unhealthy. To stay healthy, I’d advise you to eat more real foods.

#4. Sleep Well/Enough

The importance of getting enough quality sleep cannot be overemphasized. As a matter of fact, poor sleep can result in insulin resistance, which subsequently disrupts your appetite hormones and leads to a reduction in physical and mental performance. Additionally, poor or inadequate sleep is among the strongest individual risk factors that result in unnecessary weight gain and obesity. According to a study, insufficient sleep has an obesity risk of 89% in children and 55% in adults. The National Sleep Foundation advises adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. This contributes significantly to people’s mental health. And if you stay on a regular sleep schedule and avoid napping for too long during the day, you will be able to get the proper amount of sleep at night.

#5. Drink A Lot Of Water

The benefits of drinking water are very numerous, and according to studies, it can increase the rate at which you burn calories. Overall, it enhances good health. With adequate consumption of water, you can increase the metabolism rate by 24-30% in one or one and a half hours. The best time to drink water is before meals, which is effective for weight loss by 44% in 500ml.

#6. Eat Lots Of Vegetables And Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have vitamins, minerals, many antioxidants and prebiotic fiber. These constituents have much potential, and fruits and vegetables help people live longer and with a lower risk of heart disease, obesity and other types of illnesses. Going forward, they are perfect health recipes that you should embrace in your meal plans. You’ll also find fruit juice a lot beneficial to your health as against caffeinated drinks.

#7. Eat Plenty Of Proteins

Eating plenty of protein is good for your health. Proteins are good for weight loss, and high intake can boost metabolism, and this makes you feel full such that you eat fewer calories. Additionally, you will be able to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Include plenty of protein in your diet, going forward.

#8. Do Away With Smoke Or Drugs

If you smoke or abuse drugs in a way or another, you have to treat these problems first. After that, you can manage diet and exercise. Take alcohol in moderation if you must and avoid it entirely if you have the tendency to drink excessively.

#9. Pay Attention To Your Stress Level

Do not take stress levels likely. Manage your stress levels by concentrating on hobbies that help you stay calm (i.e. reading or listening to music). There are also many relaxation techniques you can practice, such as meditation. Include this in your healthy eating plans, and you’ll do just fine.

#10. Eat A Balanced Diet

According to research, ensure you always eat a well-balanced diet. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can be extremely beneficial to your health. You can maintain healthy eating habits by choosing to cook at home rather than eating out. Doing that helps you to watch the number of saturated fats. Also, you can try many cooking methods like steaming and modifying recipes to reduce sugar, fat, and salt. With that, you can sustain your diet changes.

#11. Include Workout In Your Schedule

Truthfully, it can be challenging to be motivated to hit the gym. Other than the obvious health benefits of keeping and staying in shape, workout helps you stay energized, healthy and beautiful. If you include working out into your schedule, it enables you to feel at your best, and ultimately, be productive. Would you like to identify with the fit bottomed girls? Begin your workout session today.

#12. Meditate

Meditation aids concentration. It helps you shift your attention from every distracting thought to something in the moment. As a result? Improved sleep, reduced blood pressure, less anxiety and faster healing of wounds.


Final verdict

Staying healthy requires a great deal of effort but does not necessarily have to be expensive. You can maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating  nutritious meals  by choosing from the full, healthy recipes available, getting adequate exercise, among other things.

From the  health tips  above, you will see that there are several ways to keep in shape and stay healthy. The bulk of the decision is yours, and these healthy lifestyle tips can help you stay informed and live better. These small efforts, when done consistently, will generate incredibly amazing results. What I’m saying is, you can give your well-being the deserving importance. Even at less cost and with minimal efforts.

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