Do varicose veins need to be treated blog featured image

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are not only uncomfortable but also a bane to the appearance of our legs. A mother has many things to worry about, and varicose veins shouldn't be one of those worries. Although as times go by, it is...

丰胸美臀就靠这招 Blog Featured Image


  现在回想起来,丰胸大概是我人生中最渴望的其中一件事(笑),不敢做手术就唯有后天帮助吧! 话说回来,每个爱美的女性都想要有一对傲人的双峰,S字形的身材,但究竟要怎么丰胸,要吃什么、要做什么,网络上各说纷纭。今天,就让我来和大家分享丰胸方式吧!   丰胸按摩 + 按摩霜 丰胸按摩的重点就在于每天、每天、每天持续地做才会有效,当然你必须要按对穴位,每个穴位要点按5~10次,这样就能刺激乳腺让其通畅,就能让硬邦邦的乳房变得柔软,也能让胸型更加圆润。在按摩胸部的时候,搭配按摩霜应该好点吧。。建议大家早晚各用一次,尤其是在洗澡后血液循环比较好的时候用,可以让丰胸效果更好。   做丰胸运动 丰胸运动有很多种,但对于忙碌的女性,可能没办法做那么多,所以今天我就介绍大家2款只要每天做三分钟就能起效的方法吧~   俯卧撑,做三组,一组10次 俯卧增大的是乳房下胸肌,本身并不能使乳房增大(因为乳房里并无肌肉),但增大的胸肌会使乳房突出,看起来胸部就变得丰满,而且还可以增加弹性哦~   扩胸运动 扩胸运动能够锻炼胸肌,让胸部呈现自然挺拔,防止下垂,增加乳房的弹性和美感。另外,扩胸运动也能防止乳腺增生,促进乳房的健康。   酒酿蛋 酒酿是客家人传统的丰胸食品,其中富含活性物质和B族维生素,另外酒酿中的醣化酵素也是天然的荷尔蒙,这三者都有利于乳腺发育,加上鸡蛋中的优质胆固醇和蛋白质,就能将热量转化为脂肪在胸部堆积。酒酿蛋的做法简单,只要在酒酿中加水煮沸,依个人喜好撒上砂糖,接着将鸡蛋打入酒酿中打散搅拌,就能祝好一碗美味的酒酿蛋了~ 当然,不要放鸡蛋也可以,如果加上几颗汤圆,就变成了酒囊汤圆,是一当非常著名的中国点心哟~   多吃能丰胸的食物 有些食物能够刺激女性荷尔蒙,补充乳房所需要的蛋白质,因此对丰胸特别有效,这边我就列举几样对丰胸特别有效的食物吧~   猪脚:拥有丰富的胶原蛋白,不止对丰胸非常有效,对肌肤美白也能起到很大作用(猪脚醋又好吃又有效,棒棒der)   黑芝麻:拥有丰富的维生素E,能促使成熟的卵细胞增加,还能刺激雌激素的分泌,从而促进乳腺管增长,丰胸效果超好!   大豆:含富含蛋白质和氨基酸,其中的大豆异黄酮还是一种天然雌激素,不但能促进丰胸,还对女性健康有益。(豆腐可是我们家晚餐的必备餐点噢~)   花椰菜:含有丰富的维他命A,能够调节身体的内分泌,同时花椰菜也含有多种食物纤维、维生素和矿物质,尤其蛋白质更是丰富,对丰胸、美肤的效果都很棒。 ----------------------------------------- 美胸不能只靠天赋,后天的努力也是非常重要的~只要你愿意付出努力,完美胸型一定属于你,以上对我有效吗?还在努力?着。。。哈哈哈  ...

Some best treatment for pimples and acne blog featured image

Best Treatments For Pimples and Acne

According to our parents, sleeping late at night can trigger our pimples and acne. But according to medical studies, acne is a chronic and inflammatory skin condition that produces dark spots and pimples in some parts of our body. Our...

你知道要怎么拥有柔顺亮丽的头发吗 Blog Featured Image


要怎么拥有柔顺亮丽的头发? image from 每次看到广告中的女模一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,再反观自己那时常打结开叉、干黄如草,甚至稀疏散乱的头发,真的让人很疑惑:电视上这些美女们究竟是怎么做到的? 当然,我们都知道以上的飘逸秀发都是广告效果,但你知道吗?事实上,女性要保持乌黑亮丽的秀发,其实是有秘诀的呢~ 常言道:「没有丑女人,只有懒女人」,想要一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,当然也必须要下工夫。要善待自己的发质,除了老生唱堂的保持饮食健康、要有均衡的营养之外,你其实也可以用下面我介绍的4种方法,包你就算不常上美容院,也必定也能够拥有闪亮闪亮的发丝和健康的头皮噢~   1   彻底清洗别马虎 image from 我们的头皮上有无数的皮脂腺和汗腺,随着我们内外环境的变化,包括运动、压力、天气等状况,都会分泌一些油脂和汗液,以确保头皮不会受损。不过,因为头发覆盖的关系,常常导致这些分泌物容易和尘埃、老化角质层、无垢等杂物堆积,因此如果不仔细清洗头发,就很容易伤害毛囊,影响头皮健康。当然咯,洗头发也不是随便洗洗就好,你还必须遵守以下几个要点: 洗发应当每天洗至少一次,且注意水温以温水为佳,否则无法顺利取出无垢 洗毕千万不要用梳子强行梳开头发,否则会产生分叉、断裂 擦头时,先以毛巾拍去水分,从发根轻轻按擦梳理,且避免使用高温风吹干,以免伤害发质 image from   2   均衡的饮食,节食是大敌 images from 头发的主要构成成分是含硫氨基酸,是一种存在动植物性当白中的成分(鱼、蛋、豆、乳制品),多摄取有助于好的发质的生成。另外,在平常饮食中六大营养也缺一不可,尤其是牛、鱼、猪等动物性蛋白,与头发的角质蛋白的生成有密切关系;维他命A和H也是维护发质的重要元素,大家可以多吃黄绿色蔬菜、萝卜、谷类和肝脏等食物来摄取。最后,有些爱漂亮的女生常为了减肥而节食,却发现头发一直掉个不停。这其实正式身体营养不足的警讯,当身体缺乏营养,当然也无法将多余的养分供应给头发,所以减肥是维护发质的大敌,千万不要随便节食噢~   3   避免染发、烫发 image from 染发和烫发都会破坏皮质中的角质蛋白,因此如果你是个频繁染发、烫发的人,那你就有大概率会让头发失去光泽,同时还会造成头发脆弱化,容易断裂而脱落。除此之外,染发、烫发用的化学药物容易引起接触性皮肤炎,严重的话更会导致头皮、头发、毛囊过早老化、白化。如果你真的很需要染、烫发,建议你间隔三个月再进行,并且一定要小心选择质量好的烫、染发剂。   4   适当疏解身心压力 image from

3个月就能恢复平坦小腹的秘密 Blog Featured Image


  3个月就能恢复平坦小腹的秘密 最近疫情的关系,相信许多人被关在家里,小腹上的赘肉也累积了不少吧?消肚腩、瘦小腹这个问题,自古以来都是爱美女性们的烦恼,就算别人看了什么也不说,我们自己照镜子的时候,看了总是觉得还可以更好… 其实呢,不论是消肚腩还是减肥,都不能单单只靠一种方法(尤其绝食是大忌!!),健康的体态讲究的是平衡的生活方式,只有在各方面都下好功夫,你才能够成功达到理想的身材哟。 虽然大家都知道,想要瘦腰最好的方法就是常做运动,但现代生活那么忙碌,真的没那么多时间一直做运动啊,该怎么办呢?。别担心,就让我来告诉大家我自己常年使用的减肥绝招吧,效果保证有效哦~   1. 多喝水,少喝酒、含糖饮料 是的,你没看错,喝水是能够消肚腩的哟~多补充水分,才能让代谢功能发挥正常效果,把身上多余的油脂排出。尤其早上的时候,慢慢喝下一杯温开水,更是能促进肠胃蠕动,且还能帮身体排毒,让肚腩逐渐消失。反之,含糖饮料和酒类热量高,且还会提高身体的皮质醇水平,如果太常喝的话,很容易就会形成腹部脂肪赘肉。   2. 规律、健康饮食 正所谓「民以食为天」,吃饭可是很重要的哦!瘦腰的正确观念,在于要控制自己每天摄取的热量,因此除了三餐要按时吃,大家也要避免暴饮暴食、大小餐、吃宵夜等不良习惯。另外,千万别因为想要快速减肥而节食,因为这不仅会损害健康,在恢复正常饮食后还很容易反弹复胖!   3. 挺腰直背 上班族很容易形成驼背,这不仅让自己看起来没精神,也会让腹部松垮垮,结果就让赘肉慢慢累积出来,因此不论站着、坐着还是走路,你都应该挺腰直背。坐着的时候,要撑起背部,保持小腹收紧;走路的时候则想想自己是模特儿,头上有一根丝线提着,彷佛自己正走在伸展台上,收小腹、夹紧屁股,自信地昂首阔步,这样才能把握时间锻炼腹部肌肉,消耗多余的脂肪。   4. 多吃蔬菜水果 多吃有助于排毒清肠的蔬菜水果,譬如香蕉、柠檬、西红柿、山药、地瓜、莲藕、糙米、芹菜等,能消灭身体长期累积的毒素,毒素清干净,小腹自然就恢复平坦。另外,以上的食物不止热量低,且很容易就能吃泡,因此完全不用担心吃太多变胖胖~   5. 睡前洗澡 洗澡不但能让身体干净,适当的水温还能让血管扩张,促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,燃烧多余脂肪。   6. 揉肚子 每天花10分钟揉肚子对我们十分好,因为肚子上有许多促进肠道健康的穴位,多揉揉就能让脂肪分布平均,更能够促进消化功能、排气排毒。   正确按摩腹部,应该这么做 动作1:手揉"脐腹区域" 实际动作可放缓 动作要领 : 两掌相叠,以肚脐为中心,做顺时针按揉。 动作要柔缓,按摩3~5分钟。 功效:有助于刺激肠道蠕动,促进粪便排出,帮助减轻便秘。 注意 如果逆时针按揉,则有「止泻」的效果,所以方向千万别揉错啦!...

不痒又不花钱杜绝皮肤干燥靠这招 Blog Featured Image


虽然我们生活在热带潮湿的国家,但每天上班吹冷气,久而久之,皮肤其实也蛮容易就变得干燥的。脱皮、龟裂什么的难看死了,而且又痛又痒,真的很烦如果要使用大量护肤产品,钱包的深度又不够,那究竟该怎么办呢?造成皮肤干燥的原因,除了环境、天气以外,有些人的遗传基因也让他们饱受皮肤干燥之苦。不过,要让皮肤保持水嫩Q弹,其实也不需要花太多的钱和功夫,今天就让我向大家分享我避免皮肤干燥的独门秘诀吧!   1. 洗澡注意不要洗太久 女性们都爱干净,因此在洗澡的时候可能会花上不少时间,不过你知道洗澡太久,也会让皮肤容易干燥吗?这是因为皮肤本身为了保护自己,是会分泌油脂作为保水屏障的,如果洗澡洗太久,就会导致皮肤表层的油脂完全被洗掉,这样水分就很容易被外界环境风干。洗澡时间不要过长,大概10到20分钟左右就足够了。 2. 洗澡水温不宜太高或太低 洗澡水温如果太冷,会导致血液和淋巴循环不畅,这样会使得身体的新陈代谢也跟着变慢,营养无法及时送到皮肤细胞,因此很容易导致皮肤干燥、脱皮;反之,洗澡水温如果太高,皮肤表层的脂膜就会被破坏,让油脂的分泌减少,造成皮肤容易干燥麻痒。洗澡时的水温以35~40°C为佳,洗澡后如果能再涂上保湿霜,还能更进一步锁住更多水分。 3. 健康明智的饮食 想要拥有健康的肌肤,身体当然也要健康~多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,能够为肌肤提供所需的维生素和营养,这样皮肤才能保得住水分,尤其是含水量比较高的西瓜、西兰花和西红柿。 水嫩肌肤也少不了健康脂肪,好的脂肪能增加血液流动、加速营养输送,多吃牛油果、花生酱、橄榄、鲑鱼、核桃等食物,你就能摄取足够的多元不饱和脂肪,提高肌肤的质量。 4. 不烟不酒 抽烟不但会让焦油堵住毛孔,引起黑头和痘痘,它还会阻碍正常呼吸,降低循环效率,导致皮肤更容易因缺氧而老化。另外,抽烟还会大量消耗本该供给皮肤的维生素C,让皮肤的老化现像变得非常明显。 酒方面,因为酒会让身体和皮肤脱水,导致身体吸水能力降低,同时也会让电解质和矿物质流失,最后就会导致皮肤变得干燥、发红和敏感。喝酒一定要适度,记得每喝一杯酒,就要补充一杯水。 5. 尽量避免被太阳直照 出门一定要擦防晒霜,而且一定要擦防晒系数高于15的乳霜或保湿液,另外也要记得披上外套或穿长袖长裤,避免阳光直晒肌肤,以免皮肤被晒伤、引起雀斑和皱纹。 ———————————————– 以上就是我个人防止皮肤干燥的方式,不知道大家有没有其他的好方法呢?欢迎将你的看法写在下面的留言区哦~...

Aulora Pants with Kodenshi Blog Featured Image

Aulora Pants With Kodenshi® Fiber

I'm a plain working mum who works from home. Even though I love wearing simple and comfortable clothes when working from home, I still want to be stylish or fashionable on occasions too. Nevertheless, I believe every mother would like...

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Beauty Tips & Lifestyle Blog

To some, natural beauty is seemingly elusive and perhaps difficult to achieve. But this notion is wrong. Everyone can be naturally beautiful, including you, the reader of this blog post. It is no myth that there are women with great skin. The question, however, hovers around what they do to achieve such flawlessness.

Bear in mind that it is a lot easier than you think or realize. Following an intense study and research on skincare has opened my eyes to dozens of ways to develop a healthy and naturally glowing skin in a few steps and with made-at-home ingredients. Consequently, I’m able to come up with beauty tips for skin that can help keep your skin fresh and lovely at all times. Besides, my experience with affiliate marketing has spurred my interest to leverage social media to bring you beauty tricks that apply to all.

Thus, in case you have been biting yourself too hard to think that the procedures to achieve such awesomeness are expensive or invasive, do that no more. Perhaps you have been exposed to some beautiful lifestyle blogs all these years, but to no avail, here, you will learn how to bless your skin with non-toxic skincare ingredients that are inexpensive and perform great wonders. Do you want to look fabulous, even barefoot?

Or you believe that you have to increase weight loss to stay beautiful? Adopt some DIY approach to save time, money and ultimately, stay healthy. These  beauty tips  apply to all skin types.


Radiance-boosting Beauty Tips & Tricks:

How to achieve great skin

You too can achieve flawless skin by inculcating the following habits and tricks:

#1. Wash off your makeup before bed

Take your makeup on before bed and never forget to do that no matter how exhausted you are. What differentiates a beautiful, glowing skin from a dull and clogged pores skin could be something as inconsequential as removing your makeup before bed. The catch is simple: According to dermatologists, makeup is pushed deeper into your skin’s pores when you sleep, which can lead to acne. More so, there are some dead skin cells that you have to shed every day to enhance your skin tone. With a 24/7 makeup on you, they stick more to the surface of the skin and can result in breakouts. Simply remove the makeup with a gentle cleanser rather than washing your face.

#2. Drink a lot of water

Incalcute the habit of drinking 2L of water from morning to night as this constant practice is good for your skin. It does not have to be limited to the time you want to hit the gym or when you feel incredibly dehydrated alone. Hydration helps your skin stay radiant, and I recommend a minimum of 8-ounce glasses every day for fully hydrated and flake-free skin.

#3. Get used to antioxidant serum

Every day, try to use some antioxidant serum which contains fighting formulas for anti-aging. Because the UV light can still cause significant damage to your skin even while you are wearing sunscreen, a layer of serum that contains antioxidants like vitamins C and E helps avoid this damage or at least repair it as it occurs. That way, you can prevent premature fine lines and brown spots and consequently prevent the impact of sun damage on your skin.

#4. A combination of sunscreen and face cream is magical

The few minutes you stay in the sun running errands every day add up. To reduce the effect of sun exposure on your skin, you do not only have to wear sunscreen when you are out for a long time. According to studies, some incidental exposure daily can accumulate over a few years to result in brown or dark spots and fine lines on your skin. Thus, a face cream with SPF15 formula or higher will do a lot of good for your skin. Or you can try the blonde salad. Whatever works for you, I’d advise you to apply them in circular motions on your skin. Then, wear your makeup after that.

#5. Keep a clean pillowcase at all times

Are you aware that your skin can pick up bacteria, saliva, hair product residue, dead skin cells and traces of makeup from a dirty pillowcase? Make sure you wash your pillowcase regularly to get rid of a possible buildup of such substances that can clog the pores of your skin. This applies to all kinds of skin, especially sensitive skin.

#6. Workout regularly

With yoga or spin class, your skin can achieve the desired glow. This is incredibly beneficial for your body and mood, and workout also helps to increase blood circulation. Working up a sweat is effective for lowering cortisol – the stress hormone- which has a link to skin aging, breakouts and clogged pores in the skin. As a result, you can successfully get rid of dry skin.

#7. Exfoliate gently

Depending on the type of skin you have, you can use a chemical peel to take away dead skin. Try something like AHA, soft scrub, glycolic acid, among others. You’ll be amazed at the extent of the glow you can achieve with this. I recommend weekly exfoliation to keep beautiful skin. You too can exude the awesomeness of a barefoot blonde.

#8. Have dry skin? Get a moisturizing mask

If you find that your skin is dehydrated, get a moisturizing mask that has glycerin. Also, if you are oil-prone as a person, alternate between a clay-based treatment and an exfoliating mask. For persons with combination skin, multi-mask and apply accordingly. Keep detoxing clay on your nose and chin as well as a hydrating mask on your cheeks plus forehead.

#9. Get rid of tired puffy eyes with chilled tea bags

Did you know that the skin around your eyes is susceptible to inflammation and is softer and delicate? A lack of sleep and specific hormonal changes plus allergies are the major causes of tired puffy eyes. To eliminate this, use chilled tea bags which contain antioxidants, caffeine and tannin.

This will help reduce irritation and soothe your skin effectively. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties in black and chamomile teas will help minimize fluid retention and subsequently, promote blood circulation around your eyes for a fresh and renewed appearance. Simply dip the tea bags in hot water for about a minute or less. Remove the bags from the water and chill in a small bowl inside the refrigerator. Now that you have chilled tea bags place 1 bag over each eyelid while closed and leave for 5 to 15 minutes.

#10. Cleanse regularly

The key to luminous skin is to clear the canvas by ridding yourself of debris like oil, dirt and pollution particles that can clog pores and make your skin look dull. That is, some of us with oily skin have trouble keeping exotic skin.

But if you can get a face cleanser and wash your face morning and night inside out, this will help boost radiance, and you can use this cleanser daily while you can do a deeper cleanse once a week by applying the face wash with a cleansing brush.
Over to you…

As a lifestyle blogger, I’ve been adept at learning and training various means of skincare and maintain a healthy lifestyle generally. It is good to learn from the people who know best. And here, in this personal blog of mine, I’ve described and suggested several approaches and  beauty tips  to help you stay beautiful always. Who knows, as you strive to save your skin and keep its glow, you might be saving your life, too.

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