Belixz Maqnifiq Collagen Drink Blog Featured Image

Belixz Maqnifiq Collagen Drink

Being a woman and a mother, looking fresh is very important to me. But it’s not only the exterior freshness that I’m after but also the internal state of my skin. For a long time now, I have been eating...

五个妙招让你拥有完美的皮肤 Blog Featured Image


身为一个女生,生活真的很不容易,更何况是要当一个皮肤白皙的水灵灵女生,真的是超辛苦的!想一想,生活在一个热带国家,每一天还必定得出门,晒黑是必然的结果,然而究竟该怎么做,才能将皮肤变白回来呢? 以前我在当空姐的时候,工作环境对皮肤真的很不好,但后来在朋友的建议下,加上自己四处搜集可靠的资料后,我才发现,其实只要好好运用下面这4种护肤方法,在这~~么热的环境下,我还是能保持不化妆就能出街的姿态的~   白皙肌肤Tips 1:摄入充足的维他命C和水分 皮肤变得干瘪、无光,主要是因为身体水分不足,加上氧化速度太快而导致的。有鉴于此,你应该多吃水果,尤其是柑橘、柠檬和浆果类,因为它们都拥有大量的维他命C,且内含水分也不少,这样不但能推迟身体老化,更能阻止黑色素沉淀,让肌肤维持水嫩嫩~Q弹弹噢! 另外,过多的咖啡和茶类饮品都是美白的天敌,如果真的不能不喝饮料,那就多用蜂蜜柠檬代替吧~既可补充水分,也能获得丰富的维他命C。 白皙肌肤Tips 2:防晒 + 避晒 紫外线是白皙剔透皮肤的天体,因为它能够深层地破坏我们皮肤细胞。当然,要做到完全避开紫外线是不可能的(毕竟我们每天都需要出门),但我们可以尽量避免被紫外线照射。 譬如在搭轻快铁或巴士的时候,避免坐在靠窗的位置;如果是自己开车的话,那就穿上手套或长袖衣物(记得要选择质地绵密、深色系的衣服);如果迫不得已一定要走在阳光下,那就千万不要忘了涂防晒霜。 白皙肌肤Tips 3:保持心情的愉悦 深度压力和过度兴奋都是美白肌肤的大敌,因为当我们的感到压力大的时候,内分泌很容易就会紊乱,严重的话斑点啊、黑色素沉淀统统都会跑出来… 所以说,不管老板骂妳骂得多么过分、工作再怎么多,都要保持平静的心态,偶尔听听轻松的音乐,也能帮助维持还心情。 白皙肌肤Tips 4:午餐多吃富含维他命B的食物 年轻的时候,不管是色斑、痘疤等等问题,都很容易就会被身体代谢掉,但随着年龄越大,身体的代谢能力也开始消退,真的很令人烦恼…这种时候,你就该多补充维他命B来提升代谢效率。 富含维他命B的食物包括糙米、猪肉、肝脏、蛋黄、豆类、牛奶、沙丁鱼、芹菜等等,午餐吃这些食物,一定能让你找回年轻时的光彩! 白皙肌肤Tips 5:睡前彻底清洁 + 晚安面膜 睡前泡个澡、清洗脸蛋后,也别忘了敷上美白面膜,释放一整天的负能量,恢复好心情。当然,你也能使用自己习惯的美白保养配方,在舒压的同时做好抗氧化、消炎和补水,对自己好一些,肌肤自然更加白皙。 大致上就是这些了,希望今天的分享能对你有帮助,也欢迎大家在留言区分享你的美白方程式,让大家一起「白」起来吧~...

除毛用剃的好还是热腊除毛好 Blog Featured Image


去腿毛用剃的好,还是热蜡除毛好呢? 在这炎炎的天气下,有哪个女生谁不想穿得清凉些?不过,想到要露出大面积的肌肤,你会否因为手毛脚毛过多而感到犹豫了呢?虽然身体毛发是天生的,但白皙肌肤上的毛发,总是会让人觉得美中而不足,因此许多女性都会有「干脆直接来除毛好了」的想法。不过,除毛的方法这么多,哪一种方法比较好呢? 今天我们就不聊别的,单单就比较「剃刀除毛」和「热蜡除毛」两种方法,最后就交由大家决定哪一种比较好吧~ 用剃刀自己除毛 「除毛干嘛要花钱去外面弄,自己在家自己除不就好了吗?」相信许多女生都会这么想,自己去买一把剃刀,顶多就几十块钱,加上想要什么时候除毛都可以,还没有次数限制,为什么要去做一次就要花上好几百块钱的热腊除毛呢? 这样想确实很正常,但许多女性都不知道,自己除毛固然方便,但方便的缺点除毛刀并没办法让想除的地方除干净,且除掉的毛发很快就会在3~5天内重生,还会越来越粗糙,色素也容易暗沉,再加上刮毛刀变钝后容易刮伤肌肤,因此自己除毛的话,就结果来说并不算很有效。 热蜡除毛呢? 所谓的热腊除毛,指的是使用特殊的蜡,将蜡加热至70℃软化后,等到蜡降温到50℃左右时,涂抹至肌肤表层,最后等到蜡完全冷却,便能够将毛发从生长的反方向连根撕除。热腊除毛的最大好处,在于能够在除毛的同时,也能将毛囊连根拔起,这样一来既不会留下黑黑的毛头,也能干净利落地除去难看的毛发,且和用除毛刀相比,热蜡除毛一次能维持3~6个星期,和用除毛刀相比,持久性长了许多。 再来,热腊除毛是一种专门技术,因此上美容院做热腊除毛时,都会有专家为你判断什么部位适合哪一种除毛蜡,再结合美容院的美肤系统和技术,不但能让你的肌肤变得又白又亮,还能让肌肤气色整个变得超有精神!最后,也许有些女性怕痛,因此对热蜡除毛敬而远之,但事实上撕除蜡的疼痛感,大概就像是贴萨隆巴斯一样的感觉,刺痛感也就那一瞬间,是女生也能忍受的程度。当然啦,做了热蜡除毛后,7天内最好不用使用含酸类、酒精的保养品,而在这时候如果涂上乳液或是芦荟胶,还能使肌肤变得更轻柔哦!。 热蜡除毛可不止单单能够除手毛、脚毛,它甚至还能处理腋下、胸毛以及私密处,适用范围非常广,因此我觉得,如果你的经济允许,做热蜡除毛当然会比自己除毛还来得有效,大家不妨去试试看吧!...

Best Beauty Skin-Care Routine For A Woman Blog Featured Image

The Best Beauty Skincare Routine For Women

Did that come up too up-front? Nowadays, everybody has a say about beauty regimens, beauty products, and beauty tips. Even teens will be knowledgeable about beauty routines and skin type. But how come that glowing skin is still so inevitable?...

5 Simple Skin Care Tips Routine That Works Blog Featured Image

Skin Care Regimen For Busy Mummy

Mom-brain! Have you heard about this new classification of a brain? Well, I did. It even has a definition in the dictionary. It's the state of being a mother, being forgetful, easily distracted, and absent-minded. But I can't help but...

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Beauty Tips & Lifestyle Blog

To some, natural beauty is seemingly elusive and perhaps difficult to achieve. But this notion is wrong. Everyone can be naturally beautiful, including you, the reader of this blog post. It is no myth that there are women with great skin. The question, however, hovers around what they do to achieve such flawlessness.

Bear in mind that it is a lot easier than you think or realize. Following an intense study and research on skincare has opened my eyes to dozens of ways to develop a healthy and naturally glowing skin in a few steps and with made-at-home ingredients. Consequently, I’m able to come up with beauty tips for skin that can help keep your skin fresh and lovely at all times. Besides, my experience with affiliate marketing has spurred my interest to leverage social media to bring you beauty tricks that apply to all.

Thus, in case you have been biting yourself too hard to think that the procedures to achieve such awesomeness are expensive or invasive, do that no more. Perhaps you have been exposed to some beautiful lifestyle blogs all these years, but to no avail, here, you will learn how to bless your skin with non-toxic skincare ingredients that are inexpensive and perform great wonders. Do you want to look fabulous, even barefoot?

Or you believe that you have to increase weight loss to stay beautiful? Adopt some DIY approach to save time, money and ultimately, stay healthy. These  beauty tips  apply to all skin types.


Radiance-boosting Beauty Tips & Tricks:

How to achieve great skin

You too can achieve flawless skin by inculcating the following habits and tricks:

#1. Wash off your makeup before bed

Take your makeup on before bed and never forget to do that no matter how exhausted you are. What differentiates a beautiful, glowing skin from a dull and clogged pores skin could be something as inconsequential as removing your makeup before bed. The catch is simple: According to dermatologists, makeup is pushed deeper into your skin’s pores when you sleep, which can lead to acne. More so, there are some dead skin cells that you have to shed every day to enhance your skin tone. With a 24/7 makeup on you, they stick more to the surface of the skin and can result in breakouts. Simply remove the makeup with a gentle cleanser rather than washing your face.

#2. Drink a lot of water

Incalcute the habit of drinking 2L of water from morning to night as this constant practice is good for your skin. It does not have to be limited to the time you want to hit the gym or when you feel incredibly dehydrated alone. Hydration helps your skin stay radiant, and I recommend a minimum of 8-ounce glasses every day for fully hydrated and flake-free skin.

#3. Get used to antioxidant serum

Every day, try to use some antioxidant serum which contains fighting formulas for anti-aging. Because the UV light can still cause significant damage to your skin even while you are wearing sunscreen, a layer of serum that contains antioxidants like vitamins C and E helps avoid this damage or at least repair it as it occurs. That way, you can prevent premature fine lines and brown spots and consequently prevent the impact of sun damage on your skin.

#4. A combination of sunscreen and face cream is magical

The few minutes you stay in the sun running errands every day add up. To reduce the effect of sun exposure on your skin, you do not only have to wear sunscreen when you are out for a long time. According to studies, some incidental exposure daily can accumulate over a few years to result in brown or dark spots and fine lines on your skin. Thus, a face cream with SPF15 formula or higher will do a lot of good for your skin. Or you can try the blonde salad. Whatever works for you, I’d advise you to apply them in circular motions on your skin. Then, wear your makeup after that.

#5. Keep a clean pillowcase at all times

Are you aware that your skin can pick up bacteria, saliva, hair product residue, dead skin cells and traces of makeup from a dirty pillowcase? Make sure you wash your pillowcase regularly to get rid of a possible buildup of such substances that can clog the pores of your skin. This applies to all kinds of skin, especially sensitive skin.

#6. Workout regularly

With yoga or spin class, your skin can achieve the desired glow. This is incredibly beneficial for your body and mood, and workout also helps to increase blood circulation. Working up a sweat is effective for lowering cortisol – the stress hormone- which has a link to skin aging, breakouts and clogged pores in the skin. As a result, you can successfully get rid of dry skin.

#7. Exfoliate gently

Depending on the type of skin you have, you can use a chemical peel to take away dead skin. Try something like AHA, soft scrub, glycolic acid, among others. You’ll be amazed at the extent of the glow you can achieve with this. I recommend weekly exfoliation to keep beautiful skin. You too can exude the awesomeness of a barefoot blonde.

#8. Have dry skin? Get a moisturizing mask

If you find that your skin is dehydrated, get a moisturizing mask that has glycerin. Also, if you are oil-prone as a person, alternate between a clay-based treatment and an exfoliating mask. For persons with combination skin, multi-mask and apply accordingly. Keep detoxing clay on your nose and chin as well as a hydrating mask on your cheeks plus forehead.

#9. Get rid of tired puffy eyes with chilled tea bags

Did you know that the skin around your eyes is susceptible to inflammation and is softer and delicate? A lack of sleep and specific hormonal changes plus allergies are the major causes of tired puffy eyes. To eliminate this, use chilled tea bags which contain antioxidants, caffeine and tannin.

This will help reduce irritation and soothe your skin effectively. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties in black and chamomile teas will help minimize fluid retention and subsequently, promote blood circulation around your eyes for a fresh and renewed appearance. Simply dip the tea bags in hot water for about a minute or less. Remove the bags from the water and chill in a small bowl inside the refrigerator. Now that you have chilled tea bags place 1 bag over each eyelid while closed and leave for 5 to 15 minutes.

#10. Cleanse regularly

The key to luminous skin is to clear the canvas by ridding yourself of debris like oil, dirt and pollution particles that can clog pores and make your skin look dull. That is, some of us with oily skin have trouble keeping exotic skin.

But if you can get a face cleanser and wash your face morning and night inside out, this will help boost radiance, and you can use this cleanser daily while you can do a deeper cleanse once a week by applying the face wash with a cleansing brush.
Over to you…

As a lifestyle blogger, I’ve been adept at learning and training various means of skincare and maintain a healthy lifestyle generally. It is good to learn from the people who know best. And here, in this personal blog of mine, I’ve described and suggested several approaches and  beauty tips  to help you stay beautiful always. Who knows, as you strive to save your skin and keep its glow, you might be saving your life, too.

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